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World in Pictures (Independence) Day XV Entry ~ Mustafa Kizilcay

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Mustafa Kizilcay All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Interested Look
by Mustafa Kizilcay (Akagawa) 
Olympus E-510

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Jane Mountain commented on July 08, 2010 02:29:
Mustafa, your framing here is quite intriguing -very 'eye' catching. I like the contrast and detail of the white eyelashes against the brown ear. Cows bring back fond memories for me visiting my grandparents farm in Kansas as a child.
Caj Källmalm commented on July 08, 2010 15:48:
As always, Mustafa, you take this common things that looks nothing special and make something interesting of them. I don't think it only is the cow that is interested
Betty Batten commented on July 10, 2010 19:49:
One of my favorite animals (next to dogs)and I love this shot! He/it looks very inquisitive. Did you explain the workings of the camera to it? LOL

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