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Bibble updated to 5.2.1

Published in Photography News by Kevin L. Kitchens on February 17, 2011 10:52

Received from Bibble Labs this morning

Bibble 5.2.1 Update Just Released

Adding Support for Canon's Newest Cameras & More

In an effort to provide the fastest support for new cameras, we're happy to provide Bibble 5.2.1, available now, with support for Canon's 600D and 1100D, (also known as the T3 and T3i or Kiss X5 and Kiss X50). This release also resolves issues found in previous versions of Bibble 5, and is a free upgrade for all Bibble 5 customers.

This release of Bibble 5 shows our continued commitment to being among first to offer updates for the latest cameras. We've also fixed several issues that a small number of our Bibble 5.2 customers have found, including stability improvements, solving specific lens identification issues, and fixing an issue found when cropping images in "Multi-View" mode. Finally, this release fixes an issue with painting regions, and fixes Copy Sets and Presets not being able to copy all settings from certain 3rd party plugins.

Get your update or a trial here:

Keywords: bibble  bibblelabs  
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