Home » POTD Offline until 2012

POTD Offline until 2012

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on December 04, 2011 00:00

Effective 11/15/2011 the photographyvoice.com POTD is suspended until further notice.

Expect things to be back up around the first of the year, targeting January 1, 2012.

I appreciate your continued support of the site and hope you'll bear with me during this time. Rest assured this is not a financial or health related issue. Just taking some time off to work on some long overdue improvements.

Please stay tuned to the site as developments progress.

Kevin Kitchens

Last Updated by: on December 04, 2011 09:37
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Richard Sasserath commented on November 16, 2011 12:34:
Glad you are all doing well - Merry Christmas to you all. Rich
susie peek-swint commented on November 16, 2011 13:39:
Have a good break Kevin .. Happy Holidays :) susie
Teri Moyer commented on November 16, 2011 15:22:
See you in the New Year! Enjoy your break and holidays! Teri
Linn Smith commented on November 16, 2011 16:26:
Giving us a venue to express and view other photographers work has meant a great deal to the photographic community. Thank you for your many hours of hard work to support and encourage us with our development. We appreciate greatly all that you have done for us. Enjoy your well deserved break!
Bill Foxworthy commented on November 16, 2011 19:09:
Everyone needs a break from time to time. I know you work very hard with the site and it is a great site and we love it and all you do. Take care, have a great holiday season and we hope to see you Jan. 1, 2012.
Jeannie Hannon commented on November 16, 2011 19:58:
We will miss you (and all of the contributors too) while you're off. But enjoy the break and the holidays too. You have a great site!!!
sue anne rush commented on November 16, 2011 22:33:
A wonderful site to see others love of photography. Take the time to be with your family with the busy holidays and may 2012 bring in even a better site, (it is already) Have a good rest of the year!
Kirsten Kjaer commented on November 17, 2011 13:53:
Sad news about the suspension. But I'm so glad to hear that you are okay. Looking forward to the new year here on my favorite site. Take care. Kirsten.
Ronald Walsh commented on November 17, 2011 20:34:
Look froward to your return be well and always be safe Ronald W Walsh North bay Ontario Can
Charlene Ahrens commented on November 18, 2011 15:10:
Glad you're OK but will miss visiting and contributing to the site. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
ali moein commented on November 18, 2011 16:19:
hi dears I am a member of this site, I was interested in learning the art of photography my camera is canon 600D with 18-55 is lens please help me this way thanks all
Corrine Niemi commented on November 18, 2011 21:17:
Will miss this site, but, know how it is to have to make up for lost time. Have a happy holiday with family and friends and will look forward to a newly refreshed Mr. Kitchens in the new year.
Barbara Aker commented on November 20, 2011 11:59:
Thanks for this wonderful venue for posting our photographs. Enjoy your break during the holiday season, see you in 2012!
Julie Christiansen commented on November 21, 2011 21:32:
Enjoy your break............ Come back refreshed. Happy Holidays.
Tom Timber commented on November 22, 2011 04:33:
timber flooring canberra
Gerda Grice commented on December 02, 2011 12:14:
Enjoy your break and have a wonderful Christmas and restful break, Kevin. Thank you for all the hard work you do on the site. Looking forward to welcoming you back in the New Year!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on December 02, 2011 16:43:
Glad everything is okay with you & yours, Kevin. I do miss the site but look forward to 2012 all the more. Great that you are having a well deserved break & time to work on the improvements you had in mind. Have a blessed & Merry Christmas, Kevin!
Barbara Socor commented on December 03, 2011 11:24:
I add my voice to those of my fellow photogs in saying how much I enjoy this site and how much I am missing it now! I am happy to know that all is well with you, Kevin and look forward to "the return" in 2012- a mere month away! Barbara
Melissa Anderson commented on December 03, 2011 17:11:
I'm really looking forward to the site coming back on line in January, and so appreciate the time and effort you put into making this such a great place for photographers to express themselves! Thanks so much & happy holidays to you and yours! Melissa
Dee Langevin commented on December 10, 2011 09:56:
Thanks Kevin for all you do to keep this website running! You provide a wonderful venue for photographers to learn and improve their craft. I very much appreciate all of your efforts. Have a wonderful holiday and a well deserved break. Looking forward to seeing the site up and running again in the new year. Dee
ellen hodges commented on December 23, 2011 22:46:
You are giving us all good news this Christmas season! Glad that you all are well! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Joseph Flower commented on January 04, 2012 05:16:
flowers delivered perth
Antonin Vystrcil commented on January 15, 2012 09:59:
It is sad, without photographyvoice.com POTD. I look forward to soon fugovat everything as before. ... Thanks to Kevin for everything you do with the convergence of photographers in this community. ... Greetings from all at PGV - Tonda antvy (Czech Republic).

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From the
POTD Archive

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Dew Kissed Gem
Dee Langevin

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Drawing Instruments
Mike Steward

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Joshua Trees
Sherry Sturgis

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Finch In Watercolor
Dick Wyatt

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Dawn on the Daffodil Hill
Tommy Burgess

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