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World in Pictures (888) Day VIII Entry ~ Christine Czernin

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Image copyright © Christine Czernin All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Farmer's Market
by Christine Czernin (Highcloud) 
Pentax K10D
Wiener Neustadt

Photographer Notes:
Small farmers sell their produce on the main square of Wiener Neustadt every Friday morning. The small town is located about 50 km south of Vienna, the market square ("Hauptplatz") is located at 47°48'47.30"N, 16°14'38.83"E.

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Mary C Legg commented on August 11, 2008 20:07:
well, definitely not the Seattle market... in all the tie I lived there, I was never in Wiener Neustadt and it's just a hop on the train. Krems and Wachau lured me away. looks like home to me-- good image. the bicycle lady is really in good form and adds great focus point to your image. very good composition.
C. L. Henson commented on August 12, 2008 05:08:
It really is a swell shot, nicely composed and very colorful.
Bren Grubb commented on August 12, 2008 09:17:
This looks like some place I'd love to visit daily! Nice photo!
Linn Smith commented on August 12, 2008 12:32:
Excellent framing of this typical and active street...beautiful color and a wonderful image of the market!
Christine Czernin commented on August 12, 2008 13:05:
Thank you very much for your kind comments. I appreciate your feedback.
brandon daryle commented on August 12, 2008 16:57:
A nice capture of the square...nice composition and plenty of color all through the scene.
Terry O'Donovan commented on August 13, 2008 14:16:
A common moment made uncommon by a good photo. Well done.
Sylvia Rossler commented on August 15, 2008 16:58:
Wonderful street scene Christine !!
Christine Czernin commented on August 16, 2008 03:21:
Thank you Brendon, Terry and Sylvia. Sylvia, I suppose you know these kind of market where small farmers sell their products. Only Friday morning- I love them, because the stuff is local, not shipped from God knows where and it helps these mostly older people.

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