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World in Pictures Day XI Entry ~ Joy Cobb

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Joy Cobb All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Horning In on the Photo
by Joy Cobb (JoyCobb) 
Kodak Z1012 IS
Kingsville, Ohio
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Couldn't keep our goat out of this pic of our daughter & sleepover friends.

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Tom Briggs commented on June 10, 2009 23:50:
A great photo, Joy. This is a feel good moment. The girls look like they are having a great time with the kittens and the addition of the goat just tops it off. Looks like your day was a good one.
Kathy Shogren commented on June 11, 2009 00:57:
Well, I see you have to be a brunette to be in that group. Don't know how the goat fits in. (LOL). Fun image Joy.
Jane Mountain commented on June 11, 2009 03:05:
Great sweet shot with the girls and kittens, but the goat sneaking in the photo really gives a fun element to it. Hey, there was a spot right in the middle for him!
Kumiko Parkinson commented on June 11, 2009 09:16:
It seems like you always have kittens...??! Sleepover, kittens and goat, must be a fun day! Nice shot!
Diane Blackford commented on June 11, 2009 19:26:
How cute. Aren't you glad school is out? LOL
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on June 11, 2009 21:55:
What a crew! great capture..loving all those faces both human and critter! Very cute!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 12, 2009 11:22:
What a great capture of the girls having fun on the farm with the darling little kittens. The goat who wanted to be included in the picture too really adds a special dimension of fascination all its own...what fun! Looks like everyone had a great day, Joy!
Linn Smith commented on June 12, 2009 17:57:
What a wonderful display of fun with these girls enjoying their stay at your house! Great color, expressions and excellent clarity of a very "joyful" time!
Douglas Perry commented on June 13, 2009 08:07:
Well yea the goat was invited too. Cute shot Joy. Giggles all night.
Caj Källmalm commented on June 13, 2009 17:18:
Kittens, sleepovers and a goat - the perfect set up for a WPD-photo :)
Arumugam Ganesan commented on June 15, 2009 22:10:
Love the expressions
Suzanne Buckles commented on June 15, 2009 23:58:
I love this! The sweet girls, the kittens and the nosy goat! Great!! Funny too!
Bill Krause commented on June 16, 2009 18:43:
Well the goat made for a fun shot. :O)
Joy Cobb commented on June 20, 2009 05:57:
Thank you for commenting, Tom, Jane, Kumiko, Diane, Robin-Lee, Patrice, Linn, Douglas, caj, Arumugam, Suzanne and Bill. :) The girls stayed up all night long, of course. :)
Joy Cobb commented on June 20, 2009 05:58:
Thank you, Kathy. Still waking up. :)

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