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Photo of the Day ~ Flowers & Plants Category ~ May 27, 2007

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Janine Russell All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Poppy Textures
by Janine Russell (janruss) 
Canon EOS 1-D
Edmonds, Washington
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
Photo of an Oriental Poppy Bud was taken on May 21, 2007 at 2:09pm; Canon 100mm F/2.8 macro lens @ F/2.8, 1/800 second, ISO 100

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Ella commented on May 27, 2007 00:04:
Beautifully captured! I love the backlighting on the hairy buds, congratulations on your POTD!
Linn Smith commented on May 27, 2007 06:35:
Gorgeous photo with vibrant colors and extreme sharpness of every detail! A beautiful capture - congratulations on your POTD!
Monnie Ryan commented on May 27, 2007 11:34:
Wow -- astounding detail on this one. Congratulations on your POTD!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on May 27, 2007 15:28:
You most certainly captured those poppy textures in an attractive and detailed photo. Congratulations on your POTD, Janine!
Janine Russell commented on May 27, 2007 20:13:
Ella, Linn, Monnie and Patrice, thanks very much for your encouraging comments and congratulations.
Joy Cobb commented on May 29, 2007 08:11:
Poppies are fascinating, both in bud and bloom. Beautifully detailed macro, Janine!

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