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Photo of the Day ~ Street Scenes Category ~ July 01, 2008

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Jon Ayres All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Old Times are Not Forgotten
by Jon Ayres (GAREB) FIRST POTD!
Panasonic Lumix FZ-50
Russian Federation

Photographer Notes:
A Russian carriage at Arkhangelskoye Estate for the tourists. Some of the carriages can be very fancy along with the divers, this driver was dressed in 1700's working class style of dress.

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3.50 (11 votes)
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Robin-Lee Vieira commented on July 01, 2008 00:14:
A wonderful shot that takes one back to simpler times!Wonderful mood in this lovely shot! Congrats on POTD!
Shapour Vaezi commented on July 01, 2008 00:53:
That's right old times are really dificult to forget.At last we were fortunate to have a picture from beautiful city of Moscow!Waiting for your further works.Congratulations Jon.
mike marshall commented on July 01, 2008 00:58:
Congratulations on your first PV POTD, Jon. Glad to see your new FZ50 is working well for you.
greg maclachlan commented on July 01, 2008 02:09:
a nice street showing life and history as one. congrats on 1st potd
Linda Burgess commented on July 01, 2008 04:46:
Congratulations on your first PTOD! A beautiful shot and a worthy winner!
Margaret Barry commented on July 01, 2008 05:46:
Fantastic capture, Jon. Wonderful colors, comp. and details. Congratulations on your POTD!
Jon Ayres commented on July 01, 2008 08:29:
Thanks everybody, I enjoy traveling and Moscow is a great place for it, her "Golden Ring Cities" are really something else. That's one of the reasons I choose to come here to work Thanks again for the comments.
Stephen Radcliff commented on July 01, 2008 09:19:
Congratulations J.D. You and the FZ are getting on well, I see.
Linn Smith commented on July 01, 2008 10:32:
Dynamic street scene image illustrating well a period from the past...wonderfully composed! Congratulations on your first win at PV and welcome to the site!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on July 01, 2008 12:26:
A refreshing street scene highlighting the wonder of times past in a very artistic fashion...looks like a scene from a movie. Big congrats, Jon, on this wonderful composition from Moscow...great to know some of the rich history of your country!
Monnie Ryan commented on July 01, 2008 23:04:
A lovely scene, well composed. Congratulations!

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