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Photo of the Day ~ Abstract Patterns Category ~ February 07, 2009

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Suzanne Buckles All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

The Red Eye
by Suzanne Buckles (Nacho_Momma) 
Olympus E-510
Cabazon, California
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
This is inside the T-Rex at Cabazon, Ca. You are inside looking out of it's eye. This is the same T-Rex, from the movie, Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

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2.70 (10 votes)
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Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on February 07, 2009 01:08:
A very intriguing capture with wonderful color & textures. What a fabulous perspective to allow us to be right there with you as we are peering out of the wonderful focal point of the eye. Congrats, Suzanne, on a grand abstract winner!
Chrissy B commented on February 07, 2009 09:16:
I'm glad you explained what this was Suzanne as I would never have guessed. Congratulations on your Photo of the Day win, it's a great abstract.
Linn Smith commented on February 07, 2009 13:14:
A very intriquing and pronounced abstract of the eye looking out from inside...well conceived and executed! Congratulations on your win today!
Suzanne Buckles commented on February 07, 2009 14:17:
Thank you PV for the surprise win today. And thanks to you Pat, Chrissy and Linn for stopping in for a view and leaving kind comments. You can see some full size pics of the dinos here: http://www.weirdca.com/location.php?location=109
Al Mullen commented on February 07, 2009 14:48:
Nice job Suzanne, real unique shot.
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on February 07, 2009 18:55:
I love everything about this facinating abstract! The contrasts in color are wonderful..and I like the dimesnion as well as shapes! very well "seen" and captured! Congrats Suzanne!
Barbara Socor commented on February 07, 2009 20:58:
This is a visual treat! Gorgeous color and design and wonderful texture. T too like this very much. Congrats Suzanne.
Kathy Shogren commented on February 08, 2009 00:04:
This is wild, and the colors and contrasts are beautiful. Congrats Suzanne on POTD!

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