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Photo of the Day ~ Art & Abstract Category ~ May 03, 2011

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Suzana Celic All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

In the Cradle
by Suzana Celic (chocolaterie) 
Olympus E-420
Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Photographer Notes:
From forks I created a cradle for the egg and put it on bakery paper so I could get soft background, lightening: table lamp from above also softened with bakery paper. Manual, monochrome settings

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4.00 (8 votes)
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Boris Žulj commented on May 03, 2011 09:31:
Big congratz!
Kevin L. Kitchens commented on May 03, 2011 09:47:
I love the baking paper background. Have noted that to add to my bag of tricks!
Linn Smith commented on May 03, 2011 12:35:
A lovely design with superb use of white tones to intensify the rich lines in a beautiful manner! Great work and big congratulations!
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on May 03, 2011 14:47:
An attractive presentation with supper tones & clarity & superb soft light...congrats, Suzana!
Suzana Celic commented on May 03, 2011 17:06:
Thank you all so very much! Glad you like it :)
Efton Ellis commented on May 03, 2011 17:38:
A neat balancing act well captured Suzana. As Kevin said this will be added to my bag of tricks.
Igor Bakotic commented on May 03, 2011 17:52:
Teri Moyer commented on May 03, 2011 21:49:
Very well done, great light and a very cool image! Congratulations on your POTD
Suzana Celic commented on May 04, 2011 15:15:
:) Thank you all! I have plenty of tricks in the hat ;) Improvisation is my middle name :D

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