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World in Pictures Day II Entry ~ Kevin L. Kitchens

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Kevin L. Kitchens All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

Rescue Air One
by Kevin L. Kitchens (klkitchens) 
Olympus E-500
Atlanta, Georgia
United States of America

Photographer Notes:
From Atlanta Medical Center, Rescue Air One lifts off to retrieve another patient needing transfer. Two of my nieces were in a bad auto accident on Thursday April 5 and were in a different hospital. This same copter, however, brought their mother from several counties away to receive treatment. She was released April 7 and while waiting for her at the front of the hospital to take her to my nieces, I was able to capture these brave pilots off to do their duty. Captured with 40-150 kit lens.

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Kathy Shogren commented on April 09, 2007 10:45:
Wonderful action capture Kevin. I hope that all are recovering nicely.
Gretchen commented on April 09, 2007 14:37:
Greta shot Kevin! Those of us in rural america would have a much higher mortality rate without these wonderful souls....bless their lifesaving hearts!
Joy Cobb commented on April 09, 2007 16:39:
I hope everybody is getting along OK now, Kevin? Amazing how those pilots can hover so close to the power lines, isn't it? Nice sharp action capture...and ditto on what Gretchen wrote!
Mary C Legg commented on April 09, 2007 20:30:
nice shot-- but not as pretty as the USCG copters-- still a very welcome sight
Evy Johansen commented on April 09, 2007 21:22:
Super capture, Kevin!
Mark Westlake commented on April 10, 2007 07:12:
Those guys do a great job.You did a great job too Kevin!

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