All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.
Image copyright © Kevin L. Kitchens All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.
Rescue Air One
by Kevin L. Kitchens (klkitchens)
Camera: Olympus E-500
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
United States of America
Photographer Notes: From Atlanta Medical Center, Rescue Air One lifts off to retrieve another patient needing transfer. Two of my nieces were in a bad auto accident on Thursday April 5 and were in a different hospital. This same copter, however, brought their mother from several counties away to receive treatment. She was released April 7 and while waiting for her at the front of the hospital to take her to my nieces, I was able to capture these brave pilots off to do their duty. Captured with 40-150 kit lens.
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