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World in Pictures Day XI Entry ~ Caj Källmalm

All photographs and their copyright remain the sole property of the photographer and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere without their express permission.

Image copyright © Caj Källmalm All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying or use is strictly prohibited.

A Day at Sonfjället
by Caj Källmalm (Fixxxer) 
Olympus E-1

Photographer Notes:
As WPD was on the Swedish national day, I had planned to take photos of Swedish flags and celebrations, but instead - me and my brother went to the national park Sonfjället in hopes to find bears and waterfalls. Unfortunately - the weather was bad and cold, it actually started to snow before we found anything. I took this picture of Daniel in front of the partially snow covered mountain when we stood on a pretty big area of unmelted snow. That's Sweden for you - snow in June, both on the ground and in the air (but of course, this is in the mountains).

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Kumiko Parkinson commented on June 11, 2009 08:59:
Wow...snow in June...! Wonderful entry for WPD! I can almost SEE the cold and fresh air in this image!
Leonard McKeown commented on June 11, 2009 18:15:
love the photo, but LOVE the camera
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on June 11, 2009 22:21:
Love it Caj..you two do great things together! :O)
Caj Källmalm commented on June 13, 2009 17:06:
Not the best of photos, but I liked the mode... and it was funny that he took the photo of me just taking this photo at the very same moment. The reason to why I bend down in the photo is to get the mountain in the back, heh, but we didn't know the other would chose the photo we did :)
Lucy Elmore commented on June 13, 2009 17:58:
Hi Caj, Yes, you do indeed have an Olympus Camera...one of the best! Looks like you had a nice, cold day for hiking...at least you didn't get overheated with the climb. Thanks for sharing part of your country with us. Did he post a photo, too? I will look for it.
Arumugam Ganesan commented on June 15, 2009 22:21:
Well done. What matters is that you made it on WPD.
Patrice Cigallio Wesa commented on June 22, 2009 10:34:
Sounds like you & your brother have great times together. He has quite the handsome looking camera too. A nice entry & narrative sharing with us the day in your part of the world. I experienced snow in June too high in the mountains (years ago) while I was in Utah.

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