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Changes to the site

  ...New news pages, reviews, blogs

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on November 14, 2008 14:28

I've finally completed some tasks I've been meaning to do since the site opened, the lack of which really made it hard for me to add and edit news items, site updates, site feedback, blogging, etc.

As a quick and dirty from the start, I was using blogger.com to edit and post updates and would then publish them to photographyvoice. The problem here was their interface was separate from the site and didn't really integrate well with PV.So I've been working on and finally completed the blogging/journaling code for the site. This will enable faster and regular posting of news stories, getting press releases and software update news out to you regularly as well.

The front page will host the last 25 "front page worthy" articles and you can access the rest via the new Photography News, Site News, and my personal journal now at Kitchens Sink. In the past I'd invited some great photographers to also post their experiences here and will be doing so once again, if they're still interested two years later.

The Reviews page is also updated and a little easier to navigate. Expect a flood of reviews to finally get added to the site in the next week or so.

Look for me to go through the backlog of email from users and update the Site Feedback page.

The other cool thing is that readers may now post their comments on any of these news items using the same commenting system already in place.

Last Updated by: on December 03, 2008 16:43
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