Home » Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

  ...Count your blessings, name them one by one...

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on November 27, 2008 00:00

I wanted to take a moment, on this the third Thanksgiving here at photographyvoice.com, to formally wish everyone in the United States a very Happy Thanksgiving!

And to everyone else around the world it's never a bad time to reflect on everything you have to be thankful for. Digital photography is a wonderful hobby and artform and it brings together via the internet people who might never have met otherwise. I hope that photographyvoice.com has contributed in some small way to your enjoyment of the art and artists in our chosen area.

I am thankful for each and every one of you who takes a moment from your busy day to visit this site, share your photos, encourage others, and just be a part of the photographyvoice.com family of friends.

You have made the site what it is in this short period of time. Again, grateful!

May the next few days be filled with love, family, joy and happiness. And thanks.

Keywords: holiday  
Last Updated by: on November 26, 2008 18:05
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