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Articles With Keyword 'lightroom'

May 10, 2011
OnOne Adds Layers to Lightroom

Adobe's Lightroom is amazing for editing photos in a non-destructive manner and makes RAW processing a breeze. But one thing that was always missing was Photoshop's powerful layers feature. Now the ability to stack and blend various edits within Lightroom has been realized thanks to OnOne's upcoming release Perfect Layers.

The add-in for Lightroom is now in public preview (which you can download from http://www.ononesoftware.com/products/suite/perfect-layers/?photographyvoice.com). Support for Bridge and Aperture will be included upon actual release. The preview is available for both PC and Mac.

Several webinars are being offered to demonstrate the power of Perfect Layers. Check out the schedule at: http://www.ononesoftware.com/webinars/

Keywords: lightroom  onone  perfect layers  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on May 10, 2011 08:27 
Last updated by: on May 10, 2011 08:32

April 27, 2011

Lightroom 3.4 & Camera Raw 6.4 Released

Adobe sends word of their latest free updates to the Lightroom/Camera Raw processing tools.

Adobe today announced the Lightroom 3.4 and Camera Raw 6.4 updates are available for immediate download on Adobe.com. Originally posted as release candidates on Adobe Labs, the final updates bring raw file support to 13 popular camera models including Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Nikon D5100 and Fuji FinePix X100, and add over 25 new lens profiles to help photographers automatically correct unwanted distortion and chromatic aberration.

In addition, the Lightroom 3.4 and Camera Raw 6.4 updates address a number of issues reported by customers on the previous releases. Adobe encourages the community to provide feedback on the updates so it can ensure the highest quality experience for customers working on diverse hardware and software configurations. To that end, Adobe recently announced the integration of Get Satisfaction customer community and interaction software support on Photoshop.com, which lets users provide real-time feedback and requests for the entire Adobe Digital Imaging family of products. These new community support features can be accessed by choosing Product Feedback from the Products menu on Photoshop.com, by visiting http://feedback.photoshop.com/login, or on the Lightroom Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/lightroom?sk=app_144421742246079.

Lightroom is the essential digital photography workflow solution, helping serious amateur and professional photographers quickly import, manage, enhance and showcase all their images within one application. The Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in provides fast and easy access to raw image formats produced by many leading digital cameras.

Keywords: lightroom  cameraraw  adobe  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on April 27, 2011 09:20 
Last updated by: on April 27, 2011 09:22

December 07, 2010

Lightroom 3.3 / Camera Raw 6.3 Released

Adobe has announced the availability of free upgrades of Lightroom 3.3 and Camera Raw 6.3. These updates include new camera and lens profiles as well as bug fixes.

Cameras included:

  • Canon PowerShot G12
  • Canon PowerShot S95
  • Nikon D3100
  • Nikon D7000
  • Nikon Coolpix P7000
  • Olympus E-5
  • Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF2
  • Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH2
  • Pentax K-5
  • Pentax K-r
  • Ricoh GXR, GR LENS A12 28mm F2.5
  • Samsung NX100
  • Samsung TL350 (WB2000)
  • Sony A560
  • Sony A580

Full details can be found at: http://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal/2010/12/lightroom-3-3-and-camera-raw-6-3-now-available.html

Downloads are available at: http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates/

Keywords: adobe  lightroom  camera raw  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on December 07, 2010 12:22 
Last updated by: on December 07, 2010 12:36

June 08, 2010

Lightroom 3 Released

Adobe just announced the the third version of their masterful photo editing tool "Lightroom" has officially been released today.

The non-destructive photo editor allows you to make changes to your photos without altering the underlying RAW or JPG files. Full retail versions will run $299 and upgrades $99.


Keywords: lightroom  adobe  digital darkroom  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on June 08, 2010 00:30 

May 07, 2010

Lightroom 3 Beta 2 on Ice

Adobe has posted a cool video of adventure photographer Tyler Shackelford not only doing a photo shoot from a vertical wall of ice, but he's processing those image with the upcoming Lightroom 3 (using Beta 2 that is available for public trial).

He demonstrates his workflow with Lightroom 3 that allows him to process up to 3000 photos per session (gasp!) quickly and efficiently.

Check out the video here:

Keywords: lightroom  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on May 07, 2010 12:31 

January 06, 2010

Nik Releases Viveza 2 Plugin for Photoshop, Lightroom, and Aperture

Nik Software, the maker of high-end, high performance plugins for photo editing tools has released the latest version of their Viveza product, version 2.0. Viveza 2 allows photographers to selectively adjust lighting and color with precise selection controls without the need for layer masks or in-host selections.

Viveza 2 is available now and retails for $199.95. Upgrades are available for $99.95 and free if you purchased the previous version after September 22, 2009. [MORE]

Keywords: plugin  nik  viveza  digital darkroom  photoshop  lightroom  aperture  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on January 06, 2010 10:01 

September 15, 2009

Camera Raw and Lightroom Updates from Adobe

Word today from Adobe on Lightroom 2.5 and Camera Raw 5.5 updates just released...
I thought you would like to know Adobe today released final versions of Photoshop Camera Raw 5.5, Photoshop Lightroom 2.5 and DNG Converter 5.5, available immediately for download at www.adobe.com/downloads/updates. The updates add raw file support for five new popular camera models, including the Nikon D300s, Nikon D3000, Olympus E-P1, Panasonic DMC-FZ35 and Panasonic DMC-GF1.

In addition, Camera Raw 5.5 also includes a correction to the demosaic algorithms in the raw conversion process for Bayer sensor cameras with unequal green response. Adobe would like to thank the community for providing feedback on the Camera Raw 5.5 Release Candidate originally posted on Adobe Labs on August 19.

They are available for immediate download at http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates/

Keywords: adobe  raw  lightroom  digital darkroom  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on September 15, 2009 08:55 

June 24, 2009

Lightroom and Camera Raw Updated

Versions 2.4 and 5.4 respectively

Adobe sends word that they've updated their most useful Lightroom 2 to version 2.4 and Camera Raw to version 5.4 in the latest round of product updates. "Both updates bring additional raw file support to 31 camera and camera back models including the Canon EOS 500D, Nikon D5000 and 18 Hasselblad models."

The updates are free and available at: www.adobe.com/downloads/updates/


Keywords: lightroom  raw  adobe  digital darkroom  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on June 24, 2009 11:25 

March 03, 2009

Lightroom/Camera Raw updates

Bugs, Languages, and plugins

Adobe has released updates to bring Lightroom up to version 2.3 and Camera Raw to 5.3.

The Lightroom 2.3 and Camera Raw 5.3 updates, originally posted as release candidates for community testing on Jan. 23, provide raw file support for the newly-released Nikon D3X and Olympus E-30 cameras.

The Lightroom 2.3 update also provides support for eight additional languages including Dutch, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Swedish, Korean, Chinese (simplified) and Chinese (traditional). Additionally, it addresses several issues including a solution to a memory leak that affected some customers of the Lightroom 2.2 release.

...companies have released plug-ins that further extend
Lightroom 2's capabilities. Today, Nik software announced that its Viveza plug-in for color refinement and light control is now compatible with Lightroom 2, and Photomatix recently updated its Lightroom HDR plug-in to work smoothly with Lightroom 2. To discover more plug-ins compatible with Lightroom 2 visit the Lightroom Exchange home page

Keywords: lightroom  adobe  raw  digital darkroom  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on March 03, 2009 08:21 
Last updated by: on March 03, 2009 08:22

January 09, 2009

Applying New Skills to Older Photos

APAW - Week #01 - Tarmac

I frequent the DPChallenge.com site and one of the features there in the forums are the side challenges (similar to the soon to be completed Thematics here). This year they've started an Archive Photo A Week (APAW), which basically involves going through the scads of photos on your hard drive(s) and processing them now using skills you didn't have when you took it. In some cases, this will be salvaging the previously unsalvagable. In others, simply finding that diamond in the rough.

Since we're supposed to share the steps we took in processing the photo, I thought it would be good to post these in parallel here -- and stimulate me to set aside time to post in this journal.

So with that, here's my Week #01 Entry entitled Tarmac... [MORE]

Keywords: sink  photoshop  digital darkroom  apaw  lightroom  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on January 09, 2009 10:57 

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Entering the Barnyard
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Judy Foxworthy

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