Jingle Bells, Batman Smells...
"Oh what fun it is to get, a POTD today!"
It's December and we need a new POTD theme... whatever could it be? What did we do in 2009? 2008? 2007? Even 2006? WOW!
To steal from Sidney Poitier and Bill Cosby: Let's Do It Again!
Once again our December theme is Christmas, only this time it will be different. Unlike last year, this theme will be about Christmas 2010 instead of 2009.
So set up your tree, wrap your gifts, and hang your ornaments. And take a few photos along the way!
Category is open for submissions.
Keywords: pv potd
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on November 30, 2010 13:57
Last updated by: on November 30, 2010 13:58
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Once again, it's the fourth Thursday in November, when we here in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving... A time for reflecting on all that we have (mostly non-material) and the wonderful blessings God has given to us.
A time for family, football, feasting and fun!
And it never hurts to be thankful. No matter where you are in the world!
Keywords: pv holiday
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on November 25, 2010 08:42