Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
"Mirror, mirror on the wall,
what's the best photo of them all?" ~ Evil Queen
or perhaps...
"Romper Bomper Stomper Boo
Tell me, tell me, tell me do!
Magic mirror, tell me today...
Did all my photographers have fun today?" ~ Miss Sally
Well now's your time to reflect on your POTD entries for May. Using a mirror, water, bald head or other shiny surface, submit photos that show a subject along with it's reflection. All the regular rules apply, you cannot use tools to mirror the image...
Submit your best shots now. The Category is open.
Keywords: pv potd
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on April 29, 2011 00:18
'Like' Photos on Facebook
If you have a POTD selected, or just really like one, there is now an option to share that photo with your friends on Facebook. Under each photo description is a new LIKE button, if you have a Facebook account, you can just click the button and it will be shared on your profile page for others to see.
Don't worry, this is transparent to us and we will not see your Facebook username, account or other information.
This will however, help others to find the site and appreciate the great work you all do!
Keywords: pv facebook
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on April 21, 2011 13:04