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January 20, 2012
Comments Disabled

One of the fixes for the site is the ability to regulate comments more effectively. Unfortunately, from time to time we get hackers who like to share their nuggets of stupidity on our photos. Each measure we put in place they circumvent. So while the site is in hiatus, I've shut down commenting for the site in general.

Thanks for your patience!

Keywords: pv  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on January 20, 2012 13:25 

January 03, 2012

Happy New Year! Site Return Update

Hope everyone is enjoying the start to 2012 and it's a wonderful year for everyone. Still working on the site and it will be back. Just keep checking and I apologize for the extended down time.

Look for some new reviews in the very near term as well.

Thanks for your patience!

Keywords: pv  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on January 03, 2012 11:39 

October 01, 2011

October POTD Category: Apples and Oranges

Sorry for the late notice... the category has been open for a few hours, but I forgot to post to the news feed.

This month (It's October already!!!) is Apples OR Oranges. One or the other... Or both if you prefer.

Not PINE-Apples.
Not Orange colored things...

Real Fruits... Apples. Oranges. They don't have to be the main attraction, they can be included in your shot in an interesting way.

Category is open now (still), so get cranking!

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on October 01, 2011 00:33 

September 25, 2011

Thanks for Five Wonderful Years!!!

Today marks the fifth birthday or anniversary of photographyvoice.com and I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this site during that period.

Our first POTD Selections came on September 25, 2006 (View them here) and the excellent photos have been coming ever since.

We've had:

  • 16,684 photos selected as POTD in those five years.
  • 1,087 different photographers win a POTD.
  • 300 different cameras produce a POTD.
  • 113 countries represented in the photos.
  • 300+ members on our Facebook Page

This does not include all the many, many, many thousands of entries as well as World in Pictures Day participations.

Thank you so much for making this site what it is. I hope we can provide more and better features in the very near future.

Keywords: pv  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on September 25, 2011 00:10 
Last updated by: on September 25, 2011 00:10

September 15, 2011

World in Pictures Day 18 Gallery Open

The gallery of photos from this weekend's World in Pictures Day event marking the 10th anniversary of the 09/11 attacks is now online.

View the 45 entries HERE.

Thanks to everyone who took part!

Keywords: wpd  pv  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on September 15, 2011 01:11 

September 09, 2011

World in Pictures Day 18: September 11, 2011

While September 11, 2001 was a terrible day in American history, the horror of it was shared by the world as a whole.

As this year marks the 10th anniversary of that senseless attack, I felt it would be only fitting to show the world as it is a decade later. Therefore our next World in Pictures Day edition (the 18th) will be 9/11/2011.

As usual, take a photo of your part of the world showing life as it happens. Your photo MUST be taken when it is September 11 where you are. Nothing from the tenth or the twelfth.

Your entry does not have to cover memorials or observances. Simply showing that life indeed goes on if fitting enough tribute.

Full details can be found at http://photographyvoice.com/world-in-pictures-day

As always we all look forward to seeing your world.

Keywords: pv  wpd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on September 09, 2011 13:52 
Last updated by: on September 09, 2011 13:54

August 25, 2011

September POTD Category: Five

The Jacksons
Golden Rings
Little Peppers
Guys (yum!)
Boroughs of New York

Good things come in fives and September's POTD category is no different. The number 5 is the theme and we're looking for either the number 5 (not the word) OR five of your subject (not four or six or 300). Find a way to photograph the number or the amount in an interesting way.

Category is open now for submissions. Looking forward to your entries!

Oh yeah. photographyvoice.com will turn five years old in September as well, so that sorta makes the theme relevant. :)

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on August 25, 2011 00:00 

July 31, 2011

Get Down on the Ground for August

Time to belly up to your subjects for August's POTD category. Or more appropriately, get down on your belly to take their photo. The theme category for the month is for shots taken FROM the ground level. So get down, get dirty, and get an interesting angle.

Category is open now for submissions.

Keywords: potd  pv  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on July 31, 2011 00:04 

June 24, 2011

REMINDER: Win a Verbatim Store n Go USB 3.0 Drive!

Are you running out of space for all your photos? Do you need a rock-solid but portable drive to give your laptop more space? Do you want to win one for FREE?

Our friends at Verbatim have given us a very cool, new 500GB Store ‘n’ Go® Portable Hard Drive to give away to one of our fortunate Facebook fans.

The Store 'n' Go features a 500GB hard drive and USB 3.0 connectivity for both Mac and Windows (will work with USB 2.0).

  • Design - This ultra-thin drive features a sleek piano black finish and is also available in Carribean Blue and Hot Pink in 500GB capacity.
  • Transfer Speed - SuperSpeed USB 3.0 increases transfer speed up to 10x faster than USB 2.0.
  • Backup Software - Includes Nero BackItUp & Burn Essentials software (Windows only) that enables full system backup and restore functions.
  • Green Button Software - Green Button offers 3 sleep/suspend settings, saving power when the drive is not in use.
  • Formatter Software - Features Verbatim's Formatter software, allowing users to easily change the format of the drive from HFS+ to NTFS or FAT32, based on their own requirements.

For more details, visit the Verbatim's Store 'n' Go product page.

  1. Visit and "LIKE" the photographyvoice.com Facebook page: http://facebook.com/photographyvoice. If you're already a "fan" then you're already entered!
  2. Visit and "LIKE" the Verbatim Facebook page: http://facebook.com/VerbatimUS
  3. When our Facebook page reaches over 500 "likes", we will draw a winner from those fans. That's it.<

Keywords: pv  verbatim  contest  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on June 24, 2011 10:14 
Last updated by: on June 24, 2011 10:14

May 13, 2011

Find Us on Facebook

Everyone's on Facebook these days and why should we be any different. In addition to being able to share POTD winners with your Facebook friends (see the LIKE button on the POTD page), You can also join our fan page directly at:
Soon we will be running some contests via Facebook so be sure to join today (you can simply click LIKE in the box below)

Keywords: pv  facebook  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on May 13, 2011 09:26 
Last updated by: on May 13, 2011 13:11

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From the
POTD Archive

Click to view larger version.
Baby It's Cold Outside
Kathy DiPaolo

Click to view larger version.
How Do You Jam?
Ronald Greenlaw

Click to view larger version.
No Pressure
Philip Mulford

Click to view larger version.
Highway One
Kirsten Kjaer

Click to view larger version.
Robert Mann

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