Home » World in Pictures Day 18: September 11, 2011

World in Pictures Day 18: September 11, 2011

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on September 09, 2011 13:52

While September 11, 2001 was a terrible day in American history, the horror of it was shared by the world as a whole.

As this year marks the 10th anniversary of that senseless attack, I felt it would be only fitting to show the world as it is a decade later. Therefore our next World in Pictures Day edition (the 18th) will be 9/11/2011.

As usual, take a photo of your part of the world showing life as it happens. Your photo MUST be taken when it is September 11 where you are. Nothing from the tenth or the twelfth.

Your entry does not have to cover memorials or observances. Simply showing that life indeed goes on if fitting enough tribute.

Full details can be found at http://photographyvoice.com/world-in-pictures-day

As always we all look forward to seeing your world.

Keywords: pv  wpd  
Last Updated by: on September 09, 2011 13:54
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