Home » 10,000th POTD in Two Weeks

10,000th POTD in Two Weeks

  ...Milestone to be reached April 21, 2009

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on April 07, 2009 13:25

If all things go as planned, Tuesday April 21, 2009 will bring the 10,000th POTD selection for the site since we opened in September of 2006.

They aren't picked in order, so all winners for that day can be viewed with a special distinction.

To commemorate this milestone, we've opened up a special category that will be for that day only. Represent the number 10,000 in some creative way and photograph it! Regular site rules apply, though extra editing steps can be taken. Your entry should still be a digital photograph though. No out and out photoshop creations.

Thank you so much to our readers and members who have made this site what it is and helping us to reach this 10,000th POTD!

CLARIFICATION: There have been some beautiful shots entered and these have been moved to the regular categories. The goal here is to represent the NUMBER "10,000" in a creative way.

Keywords: pv  potd  
Last Updated by: on April 08, 2009 10:51
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