Home » March 2009 POTD Category

March 2009 POTD Category

  ...Submit your photos of "Man at Work"

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on February 26, 2009 00:35

Environmental Portraiture is the capture of people in their element and in the case of March's POTD Category "Man at Work", we'd like you to capture men and women going about their daily work.

Shopkeepers, moms, public safety workers, boring computer geeks, etc. Show people occupied in their occupations.

NOTE: You should try to make these entries more like portraits, not street life shots or candids. And not shots of other photographers! That's a cop out!

Category is open now for submissions.

Keywords: potd  pv  
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Joyce Webley commented on March 24, 2009 10:19:
Maybe this theme should be titled "People at Work?" Just a thought from this overly politically correct woman:)

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