Home » World in Pictures Day XIV - March 13, 2010

World in Pictures Day XIV - March 13, 2010

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on March 05, 2010 12:40

The fourteenth edition of World in Pictures Day is slated for NEXT Saturday, March 13, 2010.

For those that don't know, World in Pictures Day is a photographyvoice.com initiative to bring together photographers from around the world in an attempt to document one day in the life of this world we share.

WPD is open to photographers of all skill levels and while photography prowess is a definite plus, it's not a requirement. Don't be afraid of expressing yourself with your camera!

How it works is quite simple. Sometime during the scheduled World in Pictures Day, plan and capture a creative image that reflects the world around you. It can be your home, your pets, your family, your city, your car, yourself. Whatever you like! You can focus on the abstract, photojournalism, art, it's your craft -- you decide what you want to show.

The catch? Only that you are allowed to submit only ONE photo to the process! So choose wisely.

More details are available at the World in Pictures Day section of the site.

Many photographers have taken part in the previous editions. Won't you join us?

Keywords: pv  wpd  
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