Home » World in Pictures Day is TODAY!

World in Pictures Day is TODAY!

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on June 06, 2009 08:45

UPDATE: The 11th (wow!) edition of "World in Pictures Day" is just TODAY!: June 6, 2009. If you've never taken part, now would be a great time to start. Simply carry your camera with you next Saturday and take an interesting photo from your part of the world.

The purpose of this is effort is to document a single day around the world. Rainy, sunny, snowy(?) or what have you. This is for the most part an exercise in your photo-journalism skills, deciding what you want to share that represents who you are, where you're from, or what you do. Or something in your area that is totally not you! The choice is yours.

Remember too that your photo MUST BE TAKEN on June 6, 2009!

Full details can be found at: http://photographyvoice.com/world-in-pictures-day

Please be sure to share this with other photographers who may not yet be on photographyvoice. And then scold them for NOT being on photographyvoice!

Look forward, as always, to seeing your submissions!

Keywords: wpd  
Last Updated by: on June 10, 2009 10:26
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LaRee Brownell commented on June 04, 2009 00:52:
I was so disappointed to miss the last World in Pictures Day. It was the first I'd missed, I was in the hospital. I am looking forward to June 6, 2009.
Kevin L. Kitchens commented on June 06, 2009 08:45:
Don't Forget!!!

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