Published in
Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on March 10, 2009 18:02
I've been working on some speed enhancements to solve some of the lag issues on the site and while they aren't yet live, one change to the voting calculations may have been the root of voting issues.
I was trying to limited the effect of new voters coming in to only vote on a single image and in doing so made things far more complicated than it needed to be. As such, performance on those calculations was taxing the system.
So... I took some of that out and went (for now) to a pure average calculation and things seem to be moving quite fast.
For those of you who may have avoided voting recently due to site errors, I hope you'll give it another go. And if you still get the error, please let me know!
Keywords: pv
Last Updated by: on March 10, 2009 18:03