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Cell Mobile and Smartphone Images

  ...Updated policy on non-camera submissions

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on May 26, 2009 12:20

We recently had a great photo win POTD that was captured with the Apple iPhone's built-in camera. As expected that led to a few entries from people using their mobile phone's photo capabilities. While these devices are getting more and more sophisticated in their ability to capture images, they still are not truly digital cameras for the purposes of most photographers.

Because the image is the main thing, we will accept submissions from these devices. However, the core problem of phone cameras is that there are so many different models and varieties that it would bog down the site in terms of categorization. Motorola or Nokia may release the exact same phone with different model numbers based on service provider or even retail outlet. As you can imagine, keeping up with this would be a nightmare.

So in order to solve this all such submissions will all be lumped together under the camera category "Misc. Non-Camera". Be sure to select this when submitting. In the details section, feel free to identify which particular model you used if you like.

This same policy applies to any other device (video camera, etc.) that can be used to capture still images.

Keywords: potd  pv  
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