Home » July POTD Category: Toys

July POTD Category: Toys

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on June 25, 2009 14:20

We all had them. We all played with them. Some of us still do. The subject for July's POTD category is TOYS. Toys in action. Toys in the studio. Toys in the Attic.

Submit your best toy-related shots starting now and throughout the month of July.

Keywords: pv  potd  
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William Otto commented on June 28, 2009 19:59:
I'm a little confused. Where do you upload for the category "Toys" ?
Kevin L. Kitchens commented on June 28, 2009 22:20:
Under Submit Photo for POTD, there is a category choice for Toys.
LaRee Brownell commented on July 13, 2009 23:42:
Good category. I know the month is already half over...but I look forward to looking back and forward to see the entries on this theme. "Toys in the attic"...now I have that song running through my head. ;) btw, a google on the song brings up more Aerosmith than Deep Purple. Us old geezers will always think of Deep Purple in connection with this song though.

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