Home » Happy 4th Anniversary

Happy 4th Anniversary

  ...September 25, 2006 Marked Our First POTD

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on September 25, 2010 23:59

It was four years ago today that we had our first POTD selections. Now since that day in 2006, we've had 14,577 selections from 1,014 different wonderful photographers. Thank you everyone for your time, talents, and patience with the site as it has grown and experienced growing pains.

I hope you like the changes that are coming soon and stick with us for four more years (and longer).

We could not do it without you!!! You make the site a success.

For fun, here's a couple of links you might like.

See the first winners.

See how the site looked way back then.

Keywords: pv  anniversary  
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Evy Johansen commented on September 26, 2010 00:59:
Happy Anniversary, Kevin! And thank you - Your are doing a great work!! It is a pleasure to be here!
Teri Moyer commented on September 26, 2010 10:03:
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the great site!
ellen hodges commented on September 28, 2010 00:39:
Happy anniversary, KK and thanks soooo for the great site you have! It must be a lot of work, but hope you know how much that you are appreciated! Thanks!
Ivan Quiros commented on September 29, 2010 02:46:
Congratulations on this anniversary and hope there are many more comming. Thank you Kevin and PV staff for your time and dedication for holding this nice site.
Joy Cobb commented on September 29, 2010 05:22:
Thank you so much for the wonderful site, Kevin! Happy 4th Anniversary!
Morris Altman commented on September 29, 2010 06:35:
Congratulations Kevin! You appear to have succeeded in making this site special. Your hard work has paid off. Morris
Randy Brogen commented on October 08, 2010 22:58:
Congrats Kevin and thank you for providing this great venue for us to showcase our art!

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From the
POTD Archive

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The Bench
David Peterson

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Downtown at 12:36
Lola M.

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Burbage Brook
Stephen Elliott

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Kathy Cunningham

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Long Legs
Raymond Pauly

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