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Viewing All Articles for January 2010

January 01, 2010


For those in the USA, Eastern Time Zone: HAPPY NEW YEAR! For those west of us, I won't spoil the ending by telling you we're in 2010 now. For those to the east who got here first, nyah nyah nyah. :)

We're now in the last year of the first decade of the twenty-first century. May it be a safe, fun, God-blessed, and photographically productive year for you all!

Thanks for everything.

Keywords: pv  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on January 01, 2010 00:00 
Last updated by: on January 11, 2010 23:38

January 29, 2010

February POTD Category: Buttons

Button, button, who's got the button?

They truly are all around us. On our clothes, our electronics, our toys. Buttons are all over the place. Now button your lip, button your collar, and button down the hatches (yes, I know) and take your own creative style and apply it to the February POTD category.

Submissions being accepted now.

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on January 29, 2010 10:37 

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From the
POTD Archive

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Lower Manhattan @ Night
Morris Altman

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Light in the Window
Dick Vance

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Hoya Blossoms
Lonnie Facchina

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Mountain Light
Jay Lee

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The Red Mill On Canvas
Pat Abbott

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