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Viewing All Articles for April 2009

April 07, 2009

10,000th POTD in Two Weeks

Milestone to be reached April 21, 2009

If all things go as planned, Tuesday April 21, 2009 will bring the 10,000th POTD selection for the site since we opened in September of 2006.

They aren't picked in order, so all winners for that day can be viewed with a special distinction.

To commemorate this milestone, we've opened up a special category that will be for that day only. Represent the number 10,000 in some creative way and photograph it! Regular site rules apply, though extra editing steps can be taken. Your entry should still be a digital photograph though. No out and out photoshop creations.

Thank you so much to our readers and members who have made this site what it is and helping us to reach this 10,000th POTD!

CLARIFICATION: There have been some beautiful shots entered and these have been moved to the regular categories. The goal here is to represent the NUMBER "10,000" in a creative way.

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on April 07, 2009 13:25 
Last updated by: on April 08, 2009 10:51

April 09, 2009

Wishing Everyone a Happy "Good Thursday"

That's right... Thursday

For Christians we are closing in on "Easter" Sunday, better named Resurrection Sunday, the day we observe that Christ arose from His earthly tomb, defeated death, and provided a means of salvation after this life to all those who believe His truth.

Growing up, I'd always heard that so-called "Good Friday" was the observance of the day when Christ was crucified and buried. Most prophecies of this historical event always just said "three day", meaning part of Friday, Saturday and Sunday counted as "three days".

But Jesus Himself said this as recorded in Matthew 12:40
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

You cannot get three days and three night from a Good Friday observance, but you do from Thursday. Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, Friday day, Saturday day, and part of Sunday day fulfills this properly.

Also if you factor in that the Jewish Passover lambs were brought in the Sunday before (Palm Sunday) and observed four days for spot and blemish, this means they were sacrificed on Thursday as well. As Christ is the final Passover Lamb, this is completely fitting.

Finally, as it was Passover, the Jews had an additional High Sabbath which would have been on Friday before the weekly Saturday Sabbath. No work could have been performed on such a Holy day, including the burial and tending to His body.

So there's a brief lesson as we observe the real reason for the "Easter" holiday. It's amazing how many traditions are actually contrary to truth when you check them out.

However you spend Easter, I hope you find time to be in church. Worshipping if you're a Christian. Learning if you're not yet.

May God bless you this season!

Keywords: easter  holiday  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on April 09, 2009 08:40 

April 12, 2009

Praying a Safe, Happy, and Blessed Easter to You All!

From my personal family to our photographyvoice.com family, I want to wish you all a wonderful Easter this year. In doing so, I leave you with this hope.

"He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God." - 1 Peter 1:20-21

Keywords: easter  holiday  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on April 12, 2009 00:00 
Last updated by: on April 12, 2009 00:05

April 21, 2009

10,000 POTD and Counting!

10,000 POTD

Today's batch of winners brings the site total of POTD winning photos to an even 10,000! Thank you again to everyone who has taken part in the site since it began in September 2006. I know there's been some bumps along the way, but I hope we will continue to be around for many more years to come!

Today's number is recognized by not one but two winners in the 10,000 POTD Category. The first is by Raymond Pauly of Costa Rica with a 10,000 Colones note. The second is from Marcia Smith of the USA with a simple shot of the 10,000 Maniacs CD "Our Time in Eden" -- Ironically, this is one of my personal favorite albums too.

10,000 winners has been achieved by 896 different photographers, using 223 different cameras from 16 different manufacturers. The photos have been captured in 95 different countries. You guys are great!

Thanks for helping us reach this milestone!

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on April 21, 2009 00:13 
Last updated by: on April 22, 2009 11:49

April 29, 2009

May 2009 POTD Category is Family

The category chosen for May 2009 is family. Use your camera to show the concept of family. It could be your family, another family, an animal family, whatever.

A proper portrait. A time of laughter. A time of sorrow.

Share your shots with your PV family...

Category is open now for submissions.

Keywords: potd  pv  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on April 29, 2009 00:07 

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From the
POTD Archive

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British Super Bikes
Geoff Stamp

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Thermal Dandelion
Evy Johansen

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Spring Leaves
susie peek-swint

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Inside Crete
Antoni Latunowicz

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Vulture Portrait
Ed Mattis

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