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Viewing All Articles for June 2010

June 04, 2010

Sporadic POTD this weekend

On vacation for my 21st anniversary, so internet is sporadic at best. Will update when I can!

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on June 04, 2010 11:00 

June 17, 2010

Past POTD Back Online!

Seems our photo hosting site's security feature is biting us right now with previous POTD winners. We're working to get it corrected and apologize for any inconvenience.

UPDATE: This is now corrected and old photos should be visible.

UPDATE: False alarm. Apparently Smugmug is having some site issues and are working on it. They said they hope to have to up very soon.

UPDATE: Received word from Smugmug that their server issues are resolved and we're back online. Thanks!

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on June 17, 2010 09:39 
Last updated by: on June 17, 2010 20:57

June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Today is the day we remember all our fathers (in the US and other parts of the world). So to all the dads, daddies, pops, pas, and fathers on our site, wherever you are, I wish you all a wonderful and Happy Father's Day!!!

-- And I hope you're thinking of your own father and take a moment to let him know how much he means to you!

Keywords: pv  holiday  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on June 20, 2010 00:00 

Over 1000 POTD Photographers!

With today's POTD selections, we've met and exceeded the 1000 photographer mark on the site. As of today, 1001 different photographers have had photographs selected as photo of the day since the site opened in 2006.

Thank you so much to all who have participated in the site... without you, we'd be a ghost town on the internet.

Looking forward to many, many, many more new winners in the months and years to come.

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on June 20, 2010 00:00 

June 29, 2010

Time for July POTD

Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day? Then use that time wisely and take some photos depicting July's POTD theme... TIME.

Time After Time we see clocks, calendars, sundials and pay them no mind. Now make them the center of attention with a wonderful photo just in time for July.

Of course, time keeps flowing like a river... to the sea. So you better hurry, before July is gone and you run out of time.

Category is open now... Time to enter!

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on June 29, 2010 10:08 
Last updated by: on June 29, 2010 10:09

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From the
POTD Archive

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Pretty in Pink
Andrew Swan

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The Wind Farm
Trevor Carpenter

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Don't Look Now But...
Mike Steward

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Calculator Buttons
George Schweigart

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Norma Smiles

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