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Viewing All Articles for August 2011

August 25, 2011

September POTD Category: Five

The Jacksons
Golden Rings
Little Peppers
Guys (yum!)
Boroughs of New York

Good things come in fives and September's POTD category is no different. The number 5 is the theme and we're looking for either the number 5 (not the word) OR five of your subject (not four or six or 300). Find a way to photograph the number or the amount in an interesting way.

Category is open now for submissions. Looking forward to your entries!

Oh yeah. photographyvoice.com will turn five years old in September as well, so that sorta makes the theme relevant. :)

Keywords: pv  potd  
Article posted by: Kevin L. Kitchens on August 25, 2011 00:00 

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From the
POTD Archive

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The Incredible Bulk
Ken Pichon

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Tie Dyed
Chris Picard

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Tioronda Falls
June Marie Sobrito

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Branch Removal
Karen Chappell

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Fiscal Shrike
Bev Way

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