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We're Back!!!

  ...Never, ever, ever, use EasyCGI for web hosting!

Published in Site Announcements and Updates by Kevin L. Kitchens on November 21, 2008 23:50

Finally! We're back. What a trip this had been. My goodness. Need to test uploading and will restore it shortly and POTD will resume at midnight. If you care about the reasons, you can click the read more link. But thanks go to the gang at InfoQuest Technologies, our original web hosting service. You don't know what you got until it's gone and Norm, Luke, Brian, Brian and Scott are the best tech support guys ever!

Essentially, we've been having major trouble with EasyCGI since we switched back in April or so. They would take the site down without telling us, claiming traffic problems. Most recently, around the first of this month, they decided to move us to a new server without telling us and breaking many of the site features and postponing the World in Pictures Day! :(

The final straw was on Tuesday, when at 4:30, they killed access to our database server from the website, bring the site to a halt. They simply said that I need to point to the new server. The data of which WAS THREE MONTHS OLD!!! Then I also would not have been able to access our database from our development machines, making site improvements next to impossible.

So that was it! I talked with the folks at Infoquest and decided quality was better than quanity! So here we are. It's taken a bit of time to make some other improvements (notice the no "/" on the URLs for starters...

Anyway, thanks as always for your patience!

Keywords: pv  
Last Updated by: on December 03, 2008 16:43
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William wrosenthal commented on November 22, 2008 00:13:
Tech headaches are the worst, and I have been through many of them. Glad you are back on line and I look forward to submitting new work shortly.
Evy Johansen commented on November 22, 2008 00:38:
So glad you are back, Kevin!!
Susan Gordon commented on November 22, 2008 01:49:
Really glad you're back and that you've gone back to the old reliable service.
Christine Czernin commented on November 22, 2008 02:02:
Yipeeeee! I really missed your site, and had serious withdrawal symptoms. LOL- Grettings from Austria. We had the first snow over night.
Caj Källmalm commented on November 22, 2008 02:28:
What a great joy to see PV up and running again! All in all, this is my favorite of all POTD sites I've seen :)
Philip Roberts commented on November 22, 2008 07:12:
Glad your back. Don't you love companies that promise the world and give you a handfull of dirt.
Joy Cobb commented on November 22, 2008 07:36:
Glad you're back! We missed you!
Barbara Socor commented on November 22, 2008 09:50:
I am so pleased to see you back Kevin! Like everyone else, I really did miss the site.....and am very glad you're back....also glad you tossed away that "handful of dirt" and are back on reliable ground. This is a terrific site!
Robin-Lee Vieira commented on November 22, 2008 10:13:
Me too!! Glad to have you back..and PV up & running again! PV has kind of a family atmosphere, I've met new friends..and always a place to gather inspiration!! Welcome back!
Brett Turner commented on November 22, 2008 10:23:
Very good to see you back, and thanks as always for running a great site.
Charlene Ahrens commented on November 22, 2008 11:13:
Glad the site is back! It's good to know that it wasn't because our leader was ill or incapacitated in some other way. Now my withdrawal symptoms will go away and I won't need a twelve step program!
sue anne rush commented on November 22, 2008 16:19:
Glad to see you back and POTD is the BEST site ever for seeing wonderful pictures from all kinds of cameras. Kudos for a great site !!!!
Ken Wonnacott commented on November 22, 2008 17:15:
Glad to see you got things sorted out, and you're back in business. Looking forward to being an active part from now on.
Roger Hogan commented on November 22, 2008 19:24:
Thanks for all your work Kevin
Richard Sasserath commented on November 22, 2008 23:28:
You don't realize what you have until you don't have it for a few days. I quit cigarettes in one day, but a few days without this site was more difficult to handle. Welcome back! Rich
Arumugam Ganesan commented on November 23, 2008 00:37:
Thanks a lot Kevin for the great job.
Joyce Webley commented on November 27, 2008 21:15:
Glad you're back! This is a great site and I missed it when it wasn't there!
ellen hodges commented on December 01, 2008 12:06:
So glad that you and PV are back. It's such a great site! Thanks!!

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